Foot traffic data for DC's Sports Bar, 124 S Dubuque St Iowa City, IA 52240 United States

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Venue description

D.C.’s is a bar in Iowa City unlike any other. With fantastic drink specials, great seating, awesome spots to catch a game on T.V., cozy bar food, and an exciting atmosphere that would put any one in the mood to get ready for a great night out, D.C.’s is an Iowa City bar you can’t miss out on. When it comes to serving up nightlife experience you’ll remember for a long time to come, D.C.’s is a premier choice for a bar in Iowa City to do exactly that. So the next time you’re looking to go out in Iowa City, think D.C.’s Sportsbar. So if you want to start out your Iowa City night on the right foot, come on down to 124 S Dubuque St, and have a few at an Iowa City bar that is second to none.