Foot traffic data for Sculpture "Father and Son", Küüni tn 5b 51003 Tartu Estonia
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Skulptuur "Isa ja poeg" on sümbol eri põlvkondade suhtest, kus lapsed üha enam vanematest üle kasvavad. Skulptor Ülo Õuna (1944-1988) pronksist teos avati Lastekaitsepäeval, 1. juunil 2004. aastal, Küüni tänaval. / The sculpture "Father and Son" is a symbol of the relationship between different generations, where children are increasingly growing apart from their parents. The bronze work by sculptor Ülo Õun (1944-1988) was unveiled on Children's Day, June 1, 2004, on Küüni Street. The work represents the sculptor himself and his son Kristjan when the son was one and a half years old.