Foot traffic data for Myles Breen’s Bar, 18 Shannon St Prior's-Land Limerick V94 DXN3, Ireland
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Myles Breen’s Select Bar has stood at 18, Shannon Street in Limerick City since 1802. One thing which has survived to remain the same is its’ establishment as a public house and as an institution of Munster rugby. This pub is situated on a street which links Limerick’s City centre to the majestic River Shannon. Its snug and amiable atmosphere is created by a combination of contrasting factors: good staff, striped upholstery, polished mahogany and of course, the green relief wallpaper littered with a framed gallery of sporting events When sport is not on the television, the only friendly music that can be heard is the art of conversation, sounding from mouths and lingering on the ears of each of its customers.