Using this tool you can see how busy public businesses (venues) are, and add your favorites to a (personal) dashboard.
You could add e.g. add all supermarkets in your neighborhood to easily compare how busy they will be
according to the forecasts (in blue).
The forecast will indicate how busy it will be today for each hour from 0 to 100%. Forecasts are based on average visits over the past weeks. Busyness for any given hour is predicted relative to the biggest peak of the week for this business.
This could be useful to avoid visitor peaks or to find busy bustling venues.
When there is enough data available, the graph will indicate (in red) how busy it is now in real-time (live
Create a new dashboard here or by pressing the (New Dashboard) button. You can give the dashboard any name you want (e.g. Supermarkets in Manhatten New York).
Add a new venue by filling in the name and address of the venue, and click the (Forecast) button. It will take a few seconds to forecast a new venue. If the forecast was successful it will be added to your dashboard. Use the auto-suggest results to increase your chances to forecast the correct venue.
Refresh all forecasts by clicking the (Refresh) button. It will take several seconds to refresh all venue forecasts. When you load your dashboard the forecasts will also automatically refresh.
You can share the dashboard with friends, or people in the neighborhood by sharing the browser URL. They will then see the same forecast.
Each dashboard is public and other venues can be added by everyone with the link. However, each dashboard has a unique
identification code (as you can see in the URL). This identidication code is a 32 character UUID that is
(practically) unguessable.
So only if you share the dashboard link other people can access it.
You can add multiple dashboards. For example, you can make a dashboards for all the supermarkets one dashboard 1, and add all DIY stores to dashboard 2. Your browser will automatically keep track of all your created and visited dashboards. These will be listed under 'Your dashboards'.
This tool does not save user data. We only store the name of the dashboard, the unique ID, and the names of the forecasted venues belonging to a dashboard.