Demo: Find out how busy it is

Type your search request below

Optional filter parameters

Note: Most filters are only applied after the search results in the radar tool. Try the 'Reset/Update buttons in the Radar tool to remove all filters in case you don't see any search results.

Apply filter on hour(s)
Day & Time

Optional location parameters to create a more detailed search (these parameters are directly applied on the search request.

How does it work?

Find out how busy venues are using foot traffic data. The search query can e.g. contain the name of a venue (e.g. McDonald's, Walmart), or a type of venue (e.g. supermarkets, pizza, beach, etc). The search query can be narrowed down with additional filters like the location (e.g. a neighborhood, city, or country), or select 'nearby me' for venues in your current neighborhood.

The search results will be shown in the Radar tool. The radar tool shows the venues on a heatmap. The color from green to red represents how busy it is for a given hour. You can also add filter parameters from the Radar Tool (venues filter) in the 'advanced' section. By default it shows a maximum of 20 venues, this can be increased in the 'advanced' section. This demo gives a limited amount of search results and maximum amount of venues per search. Subscribe (or try for free) to get more functionality.

Example search queries

  • Quiet supermarkets in New York City on Sunday morning

  • Busy bars in Sydney Australia on friday from 8PM until 1AM

  • Beaches near Los Angeles, California


The search results will be shown in the Radar tool. Using the filters in the advanced section you can e.g. filter the results on e.g. how busy the venues should be, at what day and time, geographic location and the rating. Click on the button in the Radar tool for more information on each filter.

Venue Search API documentation
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